Tag Archives: education

It is an Endless Road

Finished one, woohoo! Finished three, HELL YEAH! Looking ahead, I still got more. And more, and more. There isn’t an end to all this. Of course, life is like an endless road, so are my studies. Projects just keep coming in. Presentations just keep reappearing. Work, never ends. This mountain, has no peak. And I ain’t liking it one bit. Come on, give me a break. Reports after reports, presentations after projects, mini tests after test. That’s the life of a student and I shouldn’t be complaining. But hey, it is nice to let off steam and shit some times. I mean, it does good to your health. Keeping all the crap you get from school all by yourself ain’t cool. It gives you wrinkles. Continue reading

Getting Busier Every New Day

Ahh, weekends just come and go within the blink of the eye. Homework keeps piling up like there’s no tomorrow. It is like the saying goes, one mountain compared to another is taller than the other. So this homework mountain will never stop growing taller. For every new day, a new mountain is formed. This time, each new mountain becomes taller and taller as the homework stacks up. Managed to get rid of a few other holiday homework (yes 2 weeks after holidays and I’m still on them) and I believe I am left with just one set of worksheets left which I don’t have any intention of doing. Continue reading

Am I Smart Enough?

Today was a day that stretched my mental and intelligence limit. It was a day whereby the creams of the crops come to compete to become the cream of the cream. For those who are successful, they get a huge reward. And that is allowing their school fees to be completely waived for the rest of their secondary and junior college life. Today was the scholarship test for integrated programme students. It was an experience I felt around 6 years back when I took this test to see if I qualified for a higher form of education (GEP, Gifted Education Programme is what we call in Singapore) and I failed terribly. Now here I am back again taking a similar kind of test hoping for the best so as to save money on school fees. The experience was actually not too bad, just stressful.

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Bali for the Week

I spent a week ago in Bali thus resulting in why I did not update the blog for so long. The trip started at 11th of January and ended just yesterday, 18th of January. I went there not for the purpose to relax and have fun, but instead for studying and educational purposes (well, that is what my school calls it to be). OEP, Overseas Educational Programme, sure sounds awesome eh? So this post is dedicated to that whole week in bali and is definitely extraordinarily boring. Be advised if you think that there might be pictures you are totally wrong (I know holidays equals to loads of photo taking etc but I am exceptional).

Bali is practically associated with holiday paradise, or somewhere whereby people have fun in the beaches etc. So how can it be educational at all? Well, to be really honest, I doubt I really learnt anything else besides the characteristics and personalities of my friends. During the trip, we visited turtle conversation centre (where we learn turtle knowledge), mangrove swarm (learn about the different plants) etc. Knowledge and education is fed to us but I doubt any of us care about it anyways. There are however two main lessons, points or whatever you call them from this trip.

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