Tag Archives: results

Results Out Happiness Gone

Examination results were released days ago and of course that means that reality starts kicking in again. Until I get to pass that re-examination I’ll be worrying my ass off, while I should be at least. Anyways, I think I did pretty okay, nothing too spectacular or extremely terrible. If I were to compare with the rest of the cohort I would say a little below average? Yeah, not really average I guess, since it is a little bit lower than that of other people whose subject combination seems to be of much higher difficulty to that of mine. Of particular horribleness are the subjects Physics and Math which I both did rather badly. Continue reading

The Moment of Truth

image by: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jackhynes/

Gotten back my results. Guess I did okay, not too good nor really too bad. But the results aren’t something I should really be proud of or whatsoever. Glad I didn’t fail any of my subjects, did poorly on papers which I felt was surprisingly easy, did averagely on paper I felt was normal, managing a pass for papers which I felt hard. Here the subjects and their respective grades: Continue reading