At least this week isn’t as bad as the last one. All weekdays came home around 6-7pm except Thursday, which I came back home at 4pm! Woohoo! A little bit more time to play rest. There are a lot of events that took placed over the past few days and weeks that caused my life to dramatically change. The change in hierarchy in my CCA, the different feelings and moods that it stirred up within my friends and of course myself still finding a way back into how I felt during the last few months in the year 2008. I shouldn’t be talking much about that for I don’t want to get into any more trouble that some of my friends got. Anyways, as usual Friday was a day of mixed feelings and thoughts.
It was fun, very fun especially since it was with just that group of people. I don’t know but it felt rather relaxing and simple enjoyable with them. It was that carefree feelings that I always looked forward to after Friday activities. Playing soccer with the people whom I do not really know of, meeting up with friends from other CCAs and simple communicating and interacting with them. Although I was tired and was suffering from fatigue over the days, I felt energetic at that point of time. The atmosphere was filled with warmth comfort that simply drives all my tiredness away.
Went home with a friend, who made a mistake that cost him 3 years of hard work. I always told myself, whatever I do or say, I always had to be diplomatic, neutral in other words. There was no point going extreme positive nor negative for it brings no extra benefits but only more harm to oneself. Hey dude, if you’re reading this post, I feel for you man. But it is just too bad, and life’s always like that. You get condemned for a single mistake and you’re remembered for that in a lifetime. However when you’ve done something right, people praise you for it just at that moment and totally forgetting it the next day. That’s life.
I’m glad that you seem much more cheered up after talking about seriously retarded topics in the journey back home. Glad no train officers came up to us and bring us to some counselling home or something. Content of the talk? Nah, I rather not speak about it. You can however find out some of it somewhere. No point telling, it’ll only make me look much more stupid, like how someone calls my class “stupid retarded juveniles” in a joking manner.
I’m happy that the weekends are finally here and I can take some time to play rest. Still got loads of work to do but I’m sure I can try to find some time to finish them.