Category Archives: Website

Web apps, interesting links etc Everything about the Websites found in the Internet.

Singapore Made Online Chat Game


MigoCity Banner
MigoCity Banner


MigoCity is a place whereby you can meet people all over the world and make friends with them! You can experience fun and excitement through playing the games in the game and exploring the different areas. In conclusion, MigoCity is something like MSN, IRC but just that you have an avatar to yourself. The closest game that is similar is Second Life or Habbo. If you know them, MigoCity is something like those. You can walk around the different areas with your avatar and play games. Fun? Not quite yet as it is still in beta and many features do not work. All in all, it is a game whereby you can make new friends and have fun!

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MSN Cartoon

Cartoonize Your Personal Photos

With MSN Cartoon Beta, you can now convert your personal pictures into cartoons! Amazing but true. However, I found that the cartoon produced look least like to the real photo. Oh well, still beta. You can choose different hairstyles, accessories (Glasses for now) to put on your cartoon character. And before completing, you can also select one of the many different emotions. For example if you want your cartoon to look angry, you select the angry icon and his whole face turns red with rage.

What made me “wow” is the ability to detect the eyes, nose and mouth. Yes that is right! MSN Cartoon is able to detect where your eyes, mouth and nose is on your personal picture. And from that, they will draw out your cartoon picture! Amazing is it? Read more to see a live demonstration of the application in process as well as the address to it!

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End of Month Report and Reflections

August 2007
A month has gone by so fast. Finished my term 3’s examinations and now awaiting the finals. Stressful it is I must say. It is to the level that once it is time to relax, I do not even feel good at all. You know the feeling of me studying, worrying for my next subject and so on. I often feel that way; it is scary as I find myself hard to relax. Putting that aside, SwiftWorld is now officially 2 month old. Started in July, my site/blog has gain a number of hits and visits from people all around the world. Not too impressive but still, I feel good when I saw the improvement in the number of visitors compared to July. August is gone and now waiting for September. It has been a fruitful month; gain quite a lot of experiences through reading through web mastering forums and so on. Asked for opinions and comments on my content and articles and not much complaints and I am really glad of that. Without further ado, let us check the statistics for the month of August, and then followed by some reflecting on my personal life. Continue reading

Planet-Pulse Reviewed

Planet-Pulse Reviewed

Planet-Pulse Logo - Simple but nice



Planet-Pulse is a site whereby it gives the opportunity for people to take surveys provided and earn money at the same time. I know of many such sites but however I did not venture into any of them. However with the recommendation of one of my friend, and some comments from others in the internet, I found myself entering the site. First impressions are always very important and all I knew was that Planet-Pulse gave me a good one. The site design was simple and nice; colours used were really soothing and pleasing to the eye. In the front page I was also greeted with a flash introduction of Planet-Pulse. Without further delay, I went on to register myself. Registration was pretty fast, (Not too quick as there was a sum of questions asked. Besides this is a survey website, it ought to know its members more) validation mail came within seconds. Validated, and off I go into the member’s panel

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Kwix-Host – Free, Reliable and Quality Hosting

Kwix Host - Logo

First & Current Impressions Review


After numerous free hosts I tried, I must say that Kwix-Host is the best. It is reliable, stable and simply provides quality plans both reasonable for them, providers, and us, users. Kwix-Host, backend up with a tremendous amount of positive reviews and near perfect uptime, I decided to venture into it. At that time I must say I hated post-to-host providers. That is because I have learnt that I am pretty much exchanging my precious time for hosts that were going down the next week or so. However, Kwix-Host did not disappoint me. It has already been a month or two since I had them hosting me and never did a single time it was down nor caused me much problems. All I can say is that I am really glad to have such a provider, and I really hope that it stays that way forever (Until I decide to go into paid hosting).

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Advertlets – new site for revenue

Advertlets Logo

First impressions review


Advertlets is a new site I found through reading through some forums as well as browsing through some other people’s website. It is another site which provides services for both parties. People who want to advertise their site and people who want to publish those ads while earning some money for themselves in the process. When I first got into the site, I was rather happy and pleased with the site design. It is clean, simple and its colours give a rather warm feeling. It is simply pleasing to the eye I must admit. First impression always matters a lot and even though there is a saying going by not judging a book by its cover, many people still do so. And I am no exception. By just looking at the site design, I must say that Advertlets has a bright future ahead for them.


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