Category Archives: Video

Funny interesting new innovative creative sporty and everything that is nice to see. Basically videos that interest me so much that I think it may appeal to you as well.

Shanghai Tower – Second Tallest Building in the World

China is building their tallest ever building and it will be launched somewhere next year in 2015. The building, named Shanghai Tower, is the world’s second tallest building. What’s the view like from the very top? Wait a minute, it isn’t completed so how can we tell? With the usefulness and capabilities of a body mounted camera, two guys show you how to reach the top (when the building is still under construction) and what’s it like from above.

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How to Make a Monitor that Only You Can See

Do you want absolute privacy when viewing a display monitor? Learn how to make a special monitor that only you can see. Be prepared to invest some time, effort and money before you can start to enjoy your privacy. Good things don’t come by freely. Do be prepared for people to always think that you’re viewing something wrong once you’ve the special monitor. I mean seriously, why would you need such privacy? Read on for the how to video!

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