Category Archives: Personal Life

All about my world, word and story. Of course including my bear, Polar.

The Final Countdown

It’s the final countdown; the countdown to spending lots of money during Black Friday blinded by impulse and happiness from the release of duty. Friday the 29th of November is the special day. 20 months gone just like that. “Make full use of the 20 months”. I definitely didn’t and I still don’t think I will even if I had the 20 months again. Now let’s be forward thinking, there are endless opportunities and troubles awaiting me.

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Investing Time

“In any investment, you expect to have fun and make money.” – Michael Jordan. In the next 6 to 7 months, I’ll have to see if I have the determination and perseverance to see through the many projects that I have set for myself. It is easy to come up with ideas, plans and concepts but to actually go through them and see them till completion or maturity is no easy task. Continue reading

China Android Phone

I’ve been eyeing those Made in China Android phones for quite some time already. In the past, most of these Chinese phones are termed as “scam” and pure rubbish “imitations”. Indeed, they were horrible mainly because of the disgusting software that powers the phone. Hardware and software comes hand in hand. And for the phone to clap, it requires both hands. With the introduction of the Android OS, Chinese phones have become much better. It has gotten to the point where it can even compete with the more legit premium brands like Samsung, HTC etc.

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The Dark Knights

The dark knights come every night. They have stories to tell, songs to sing, poems to recite and adventures to share. It always is lively is filled with noise, laughter, music and dance.

the dark knights

They come at different times throughout the night. Sometimes before sleep and sometimes when only vampires are awake looking for prey. All I am certain is that once one comes the rest will follow soon after. They are something like the Knights of the round table just that in their case it’s called the dark knights of the round table. Continue reading

The Curious Case of the Missing iPod Touch

I had an iPod Touch. It was my precious. It kept me entertained in the cage which I’m only set “freed” every weekend; only to have a string tied on my feet to pull me back, locking me back again for the rest of the weekdays. So yeah, I store all my music and videos on the iPod and I listen and watch them whenever possible. Now it’s gone and I have no idea where it went.

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