Boring School Orientation Week

This is written in continuation of the post I wrote a few days back about the boring start. Well, nothing much has changed. The same old boring school days. I don’t feel that the days ahead can get any better anyways. I guess for this few weeks or days at least, I can write a whole series of Boring School posts. What makes me sad is that this whole period of time spent in school is called “orientation week”.

According to Wikipedia (one of the better definitions in my opinion):

Orientation week or Freshers’ week is the first week of the academic year at a university or other tertiary institution, and a variety of events are held to help orient and welcome new students. It goes by a variety of names in different countries. It is often accompanied by a wide range of social activities, including live music and other performance events, a large amount of drinking, sports challenges, stunts, and open-air markets.

Hell yeah, we welcome new students by holding a variety of events such as, lectures, briefings and lessons. These lessons will definitely help orient and welcome new students, telling them that studies are more important than everything and anything else in the school. Don’t know where a place is? Who cares? Just ask a friendly old boy/girl and he’ll lead the way. No one to ask? Too bad, you just find your way there before time runs out or you’re screwed.

Orientation week here is often accompanied by a wide range of social activities, including whispering during lectures, talking during the short 40 minutes break and a rare fun activity for example water bombs and such. When I mean rare, I do mean rare. It is as frequent as spotting the shadow of the loch ness monster or something.

We’ve done a hell lot so far. Lectures on the school, subjects and expectations of the students. Orientation week also includes the much favoured, homework. Everything is going great. I love it.

[image by psiconauta via flickr]

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