Tag Archives: Featured

PC Fifa 10 Review

FIFA 10 Cover ArtNOTE: The version I’m reviewing is the PC version. The score and comments given is solely for the PC version and have nothing to do with the portable mobile versions nor the console versions.

I still can remember myself reviewing Fifa 09 for the pc last year. I had a hard time controlling my emotions and not let them affect my review too much. Two years ago, they promised the Be A Pro mode for Fifa 09 but failed to deliver. This year, they didn’t promise to do anything and they were successful in doing so. Fifa 10 = Fifa 09. Yes fanboys, that is the sad truth. This year’s version is simply Fifa 09 with the squad updates. Even so, many of the last few transfers of the season isn’t even implemented in the game. Absolutely horrible and terrible. Continue reading

iPhone Block Drop Puzzle Game Review

Here I have yet another puzzle game to present to you. This time, this puzzle game is a port of a flash game. The game is again simple, yet challenging. Simple in the sense that the graphics it presents, the concept behind the whole game is straightforward and uncomplicated. The puzzles, however, are all challenging and pose a difficulty to many. To complete all stages require not only high intellectual powers but also high patience. Sometimes you got to think a little more to get the answers in a test right? Continue reading

Mezopuzzle iPhone Puzzle Game Review

If you’ve remembered a few days back I did post an article on this game. It is called Mezopuzzle and like its name suggests, it is a puzzle game for the iPhone/iTouch. Mezopuzzle bases itself purely on shifting block puzzles and the theme it has is the maya mythology. There is a minor storyline behind the game and it basically unfolds itself as you pass each level. Completion of levels gives you an opportunity to learn more about the maya mythology as well as giving you new harder challenges as the difficulty of puzzles increases. Continue reading

A Reckless Disregard For Gravity Review

The full title for the game should be “AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! — A Reckless Disregard for Gravity”. That’s right, 25 As followed by a title that makes better sense. Didn’t want to put the full title for it might screw up the template somehow. Anyways, A Reckless Disregard For Gravity (ARDFG for short) is a unique game developed by the indie developers Dejobaan. This game, inspired by the activity called BASE jumping, sets players in a situation like no other. You are basically jumping down from up above whether is it the mountain area or city like area, collecting points as you stay close to floating buildings or the walls.

ARDFG Title Screen Continue reading

Thumbnails For Related Posts in WordPress

I’ve recently chanced upon an article that inspired me greatly. The article is basically adding thumbnails to the related posts instead of just having the text link itself. Well, who would have actually thought of that? This idea has never ever crossed my mind before. We know of how Youtube uses thumbnails for related video but perhaps it is necessary since it is concerning videos. Never did I thought of actually putting thumbnails beside related posts in blogs and websites. I don’t know why but I’ve to actually emphasize that point over and over again. Because it is so simple, mundane and that we’ve seen it applied in various other types of sites etc, but why not in blogs? Continue reading

iPhone Minigore Review

Minigore is a survival shooter for the iPhone/iPod. You play as John Gore, armed with a pistol with the luck of getting a shotgun later on, you fight off furries as you try to stay alive as long as possible. Furries that are present in the game, come in 4 different shapes and sizes. A mini basic one, the fire furry (alliteration to emphasize the coolness of the monster), a big furry and lastly the biggest furry. Each have their own abilities and skills for example the fire furry runs as fast as how forest fire spreads, the big furry produces mini furries when shot and lastly the biggest furry produces big furry when shot. That is the basic outline of the game. Continue reading

Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood Review

Foreign Legion BoB Title ScreenForeign Legion Buckets of Blood (FL:BoB for short), is an indie third person shooter. The game is developed by  Sakari Indie (http://sakari-indie.com/) and is now available through digital download and steam. The game is extremely simple, defend the building from the oncoming attackers until help arrive. In this building, there are several villagers. You are the last man standing and being the hero you are, you defend the villagers from the enemies. Simple as that. Continue reading